The Coronavirus pandemic, keeps the world in breath: more than five million people are already infected with the pathogen of Sars-CoV-2 – 182.313 of them so far in Germany. All messages to the Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
Swedish epidemiologist: Have more of a Corona-measures to take
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell has shown for the first time, self-critically about the Swedish exceptionalism in the Corona-crisis. Sweden should have been from the beginning more measures in the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus take, said Tegnell a, on Wednesday published an Interview with the Swedish Radio. "I believe that there is certainly potential for improvement in what we have done in Sweden, of course. And it would have been good if you had known more precisely, what are you supposed to close to prevent the spread of Infection better." To many Swedes were to have died early. imago images/TT The Swedish Staatsempidemiologe Anders Tegnell
You would come across with the current state of knowledge on the same disease, would be the right way, in his view, between the Swedish and the, and the Rest of the world have embarked on, said Tegnell. What are the arrangements in other countries had shown the greatest effect against the Coronavirus pandemic, one could say, however, difficult, since these States have taken many measures at the same time.
Tegnell is a leader behind the Swedish strategy against the pandemic. The Scandinavian EU country had clearly taken in more liberal measures than, for example, Germany or the Rest of Europe. Schools, Restaurants, or shops, for example, were never closed, the ban on public Assembly is located at a maximum of 50 participants, a ban on entry applies only to people outside of the EU and the European free trade zone.
Many in the country were the names of the path well after the criticism grew, however, especially because the infection and death figures per inhabitant in Sweden compared to the rest of Scandinavia and Germany also continue to be high. So far died in the country with more than ten million inhabitants, almost 4500 people, with a Corona of infection, there have been around 39 000 positive Corona cases.
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