Hair loss treatment: Pumpkin seed oil has a positive anabolic effect to increase hair grow

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Hair loss treatments is a booming business with many products claiming to be the greatest solution. However, as with most things in life, if it’s too good it’s often not true. When trying to find the best treatment to help solve your hair loss woes, turning to nature is often wisest as natural remedies don’t contain any harsh chemicals which could make your problems worse. Studies have indicated that pumpkin seed oil may be a natural remedy to help increase hair growth.

Daily doses of pumpkinseed oil taken by mouth could safely help bring your hair back, said WebMD.

The health site continued: “While more research is needed, one small study found that men who took four capsules of pumpkin seed oil each day for 6 months saw their hair count increase by 40 percent.

“One reason why? Like saw palmetto, pumpkinseed oil could block testosterone from changing into a compound called DHT, which is linked to hair loss.”

In a study published in Hindawi, the effect of pumpkin seed oil on hair growth in men with alopecia was investigated. 

The study noted: “Pumpkin seed oil (PSO) has been shown to block the action of 5-alpha reductase and to have antiandrogenic effects on rats.

“This randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study was designed to investigate the efficacy and tolerability of PSO for treatment of hair growth in male patients with mild to moderate androgenetic alopecia.

“76 male patients with AGA received 400 mg of PSO per day or a placebo for 24 weeks.

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“Change over time in scalp hair growth was evaluated by four outcomes: assessment of standardized clinical photographs by a blinded investigator; patient self-assessment scores; scalp hair thickness; and scalp hair counts.

“The PSO-treated group had more hair after treatment than at baseline, compared to the placebo group.

“Mean hair count increases of 40 percent were observed in PSO-treated men at 24 weeks, whereas increases of 10 percent were observed in placebo-treated men.”

The study concluded that pumpkin seed oil has a positive anabolic effect on hair growth and that this is due to the possible effects of 5-reductase inhibition in patients with mild to moderate male pattern hair loss.

One theory as to pumpkin seed oils effectiveness for hair loss is down to the oils phytosterols which are said to help promote hair growth.

Phytosterols are sterols which are found in most plants.

It’s been hypothesised that phytosterols help block enzymes and hormones in the scalp which cause hair loss.

Numerous studies have shown natural products containing phytosterols have helped with hair loss.

How to use

Pumpkin seed oil is found in supplement forms, as with most new supplements its always best to consult with your GP before embarking on them.

You can also take straight pumpkin seed oil. You can take one teaspoon to one tablespoon three times per day.

Pumpkin seed oils can also be directly applied to your scalp for benefit.

These are best done as a hot oil hair treatment, perhaps only once per week or month.

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