Hair loss treatment: A plant to eradicate inflammation to increase hair growth

Hair loss causes can be roughly divided into two categories – genetic and lifestyle, although the two may interact in complex ways. Hereditary-pattern baldness, for example, is a natural condition caused by some combination of genetics, hormone levels and the ageing process, according to Harvard Health. One of the biggest causes of hair loss is too much inflammation and according to experts, using dandelion will help eradicate inflammation to promote hair growth.

Dandelion root is particularly beneficial for hair growth because it contains magnesium, potassium, iron, choline, calcium, phosphorus, and many vitamins.

These nutrients feed your scalp and follicles which results in healthy and fast-growing hair.

Furthermore, all parts of the dandelion are useful for treating dandruff and reducing hair grease. You can rinse your hair with dandelion tea, use dandelion oil, or drink tea made of this herb.

Dandelions help to reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are compounds usually involved in the body’s inflammation.

“There are many different causes of hair loss,” says Dr Deborah Scott, assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School.

“Some are associated with inflammation in the body.”

This is why dandelion root may help with hair loss due to its inflammation-fighting capabilities.

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Any inflammation to the scalp, regardless of its causes, exacerbates hair loss.

This is where using dandelion has been proven to decrease inflammation.

To fight off this inflammation, and increase the efficiency of hair growth, it is thus crucial to incorporate dandelion into your hair care routine.

How to use

Steep your dandelion root or dandelion root tea bag in eight ounces of water for five to ten minutes. Strain dandelion root from water if using scoops. Set dandelion tea to the side.

Boil flax seeds in two cups of water for four to five minutes.

Remove from heat and strain the flaxseeds from the water immediately.

Add honey to hot flaxseed water (consistency should be slippery) and allow the mixture to cool for ten minutes.

Combine flaxseed water, dandelion tea, & lemon to a 20-ounce bottle.

Shake well to get all of the ingredients happy and blended.

Wash & condition your hair.

Pour tea over your hair for your final rinse.

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