Ex-intelligence chief to the British: “The Corona Virus comes from the laboratory”

The Coronavirus pandemic, keeps the world in breath: more than five million people are already infected with the pathogen of Sars-CoV-2 – 183.089 of them so far in Germany.

Ex-intelligence chief to the British: “The Corona Virus comes from the laboratory”

In an Interview with “The Telegraph” says Sir Richard Dearlove, 1999 to 2004, head of the British secret service, MI6, the suspicion, Covid-19 was created by people and by accident to escape from the laboratory. Chinese researchers may have carried out on Corona-viruses of bats secret genspleißende experiments, in which Covid-be escape 19 from a lab somehow.

As a source he called an “important report” by Professor Angus Dalgleish, University of London, and the Norwegian virologist Birger Sorensen. In this letter, the two scientists that they had found in the investigation of the Virus elements that have been inserted and not naturally occurred. Dearlove says: “This raises the question of whether China should take on the responsibility, compensation is paid? I think it will lead to all countries of the world to rethink how they treat their relationship with China and how the international leadership belongs to the government of China.“

Meanwhile, the majority of researchers, however, agree that the Virus is not man-made, but from animals to humans has passed. Also, the report that the former MI6 chief cites has been criticized in the past on several occasions. Some of the researchers mentioned therein, have asked that their Name be deleted. In addition, he was rejected by several leading journals because he was “unsuitable for publication”.

The Chinese Ambassador in the UK would welcome an international inquiry into the origin of the Virus, since China have nothing to hide: “China has a white vest. It can stand the Test of time and history.“ Sir Richard Dearlove remains of his Thesis is convincing. The study is “a very important contribution to the debate that is currently taking place, as the Virus has developed, how it broke out and developed into a pandemic”.

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