CDU-top looks, no Corona turnaround: warning against false signals

Coronavirus outbreak in Germany: 456 people have already died, 58.654 are infected with the Coronavirus. Worldwide more than 500,000 cases were registered. Meanwhile, the US experienced with over 115.500 cases, most of the Corona cases worldwide. All the information about the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

  • The countries Overview: The Live map to the Virus outbreak
  • The Covid-19-Radar: Figures, facts and extent of the pandemic
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CDU Bureau warns: Now about the termination of the Corona-measures discuss

Top news (11.51 am): the members of The CDU Presidium were in today’s digital session agreement: In the fight against the Corona of the crisis was the reversal of the trend is not yet reached. Only if the doubling time of the Infected sun for ten days, had reached an important stage of the relaxation. A similar Signal had been set by the Federal kanzerlin Angela Merkel (CDU) at the weekend in their Audio Podcast. According to information from FOCUS Online, several members of the round warned to talk in concrete terms about the termination of the measures and to give the impression that it was imminent. The party Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said, Corona Germany and all of Europe have “a firm grip”.

The Bureau members were told that further discussions with the Federal government are planned, the Ministry, in order to find the rules, so that urgently needed work forces from abroad, such as harvest workers and care workers in Germany. On the Website “country help” would have been reported within a short time, 36,000 people who want to be active.

Berlin Corona hospital, apparently shortly before the completion of

Top news (10.51 PM): The Berlin health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) anticipates the opening of the newly constructed Corona hospital for up to a thousand patients in April or may. The preparations were "very gut", Kalayci said on Sunday evening in the Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg. You think "we April, may then also start können". Kalayci noted that the situation in the capital is currently "still bewältigbar" be.

The centre for the treatment of Corona-patients should be incurred in a trade fair hall, and in the case of a shortage of used. For the operation are required, according to project coordinator Albrecht Broemme, up to 800 employees. In Berlin, there were, as of Monday morning, 2462, confirmed Infected, and eleven Dead.

  I need help I want to help  

Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

Baden-Württemberg: 11.536 (128 Deaths)

Bavaria: 13.263 (110 Deaths)

Berlin: 2462 (11 Deaths)

Brandenburg: 833 (4 Deaths)

Bremen: 290 (2 Deaths)

Hamburg: 2078 (4 Deaths)

Hesse: 2943 (11 Deaths)

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 356 (1 Death)

Lower Saxony: 3783 (27 Deaths)

North Rhine-Westphalia: 13.630 (110 Deaths)

Rhineland-Palatinate: 2545 (18 Deaths)

Saarland: 726 (7 Deaths)

Saxony: 1816 (10 Deaths)

Saxony-Anhalt: 650 (2 Deaths)

Schleswig-Holstein: 1007 (6 Deaths)

Thuringia: 736 (5 Deaths)

Total: As Of 29.03., 20.20 PM: 58.654 (456 Deaths)

Stand from the day before: 28.03., 19.15: 54.212 (397 Deaths)

Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.

Health system collapsing in the middle of April, when we are the targets, not heed

More information in the News Ticker:

Too little protective clothing, and breathing masks: Marburger Bund calls for production in Germany

10.37 am: The doctors ‘ Union Marburger Bund, Germany in the Corona-crisis is clearly far from the States as in Italy or Spain. “We currently have a lot of capacity and plenty of capacity on the normal stations,” said the Chairman Susanne Johna the station SWR2. If the Numbers should, however, rise to continue unabated, the capacity in Germany to be exhausted at some point.

Problems Johna looks in protective clothing. “We see this Problem of a shortage of protective clothing, the tight breathing masks now for four weeks on us.” You have to be sure that you’ll have plenty of supplies. “Unfortunately, this has not taken place but so far. There are very many drops on the hot stone happened.” The only solution is that the protective clothing will be produced in Germany.

40 people in an old people’s home in Oldenburg infected

9.26 PM: After the death of 15 people with Coronavirus infection in a nursing home in Wolfsburg, Germany, is fighting another, lower Saxony nursing home with infections. Tests have confirmed that 23 residents and 17 staff of a nursing home in Wildeshausen in the district of Oldenburg, with the causative agent of Sars-CoV were infected 2, informed the County. The health Department have tested all of the 51 residents and 44 employees, after an 89-is Years died with severe pre-existing conditions and Coronavirus infection. In the case of all the Sufferers in the residence for the elderly so far, mild gradients were detected.

The extent of the disease suggested that the Virus had not been introduced recently in the home, and informed the County. The infected residents to remain reported to be for two weeks in their rooms and are powered by also positive tested employees – not strictly separated in the negative-tested residents were accommodated in single rooms and negative-tested employees are to be provided for. The health Department identified the contact persons of the Infected.

Hospital-Video stirred for Klopp to tears: “I could not be more bewundern&#034…

FOCUS Online/Wochit hospital-Video stirred for Klopp to tears: “I could not admire”

Doctors and nurses commit, devices are in place to ensure NRW is planning epidemic-law

06.21 PM: As a reaction to the current Corona pandemic, and prepare for more outbreaks of Disease plans, the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is an extraordinary act. In the design, which is present the German press Agency, is the subject of, among other things, the Pledge of Doctors. In addition, the authorities should be entitled to medical supplies to ensure. In primary and secondary schools the final exams could be this year, according to the draft law.

The proposed law refers to the latest Corona-crisis, but also any of the following epidemics. In such a case, it should be the authorities, among other things, allows to force hospitals to create treatment capacity. The law would entitle the authorities in addition, medical equipment and devices companies to ensure – and to buy a normal price. Doctors, nurses and rescue workers could undertake to fight against the epidemic – should there be a significant shortage of staff.

The Cabinet has approved the draft of the law on Saturday, a 47-page Letter, including a justification immediately went to the groups. According to dpa-information Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) will judge on Wednesday the Parliament on planned measures. The law could be adopted under the accelerated procedure. Several media had reported about the draft law.

Trump feared the 100,000 Corona-deaths in the United States

Monday, 30. March, 06.19 PM: US President Donald Trump fears that the Coronavirus crisis in the United States 100,000 people, the cost of living could. If it manages to limit the Death toll due to the taken measures Containment to 100,000, "then we have all together a good Job gemacht", Trump said on Sunday evening (local time) at a press conference in the White house. "This is a terrible number." Trump pointed to a on 16. March published study by the Imperial College in London, the proceeds of 2.2 million in the United States – however, without measures to contain the Virus. The President justified the extension of the protective measures of his government. dpa/Patrick Semansky/AP/dpa Trump announces that up to 30. March existing guidelines for social distancing to 30. April apply.

Trump announced on Sunday that up to 30. March existing guidelines for social distancing to 30. April should apply. Trump had recently expressed the will, in the USA, Easter Sunday on 12. April, return to normal operation. On Sunday, he said: "We can expect that we are up to 1. June will be on the mend."

Ukraine: returnees fleeing forced quarantine from the Terminal

23.31 watch: Because you are probably not in a forced quarantine wanted, in the Ukraine of passengers from an airport terminal in the capital city of Kiev fled. From Thailand with a special flight on the airport Kiev-Boryspil arrived Ukrainians should for two weeks in Hotels and even pay for, how local media reported on Sunday. About the whereabouts of the people nothing was initially known. President Volodymyr Selenskyj had previously announced a compulsory monitoring of all returnees.

Thus, the propagation of the Coronavirus is to be contained. Kiev has already been closed for almost two weeks, the limits for foreigners and all the regular Connections by plane and train set. The government, however, has been criticized due to the lack of quarantine measures for returnees. All of the who, since Saturday, have now in a two-week quarantine.

In the past two weeks, several tens of thousands of Ukrainians returned, especially from high-risk areas, such as Italy, Spain and Germany. In the Eastern European country of 475 people with the Virus Sars-CoV-2 according to official statistics, so far, infected. Ten people have died of the lung disease Covid-19.

New York builds the first makeshift Corona hospital

22.35 PM: In New York, will be the first makeshift hospital in the Central Park established. As pictures show, build up auxiliary forces currently in the vicinity of the Mount Sinai hospital, several large tents, in order to relieve the hospital. dpa In New York will be the first makeshift hospital in the Central Park, in the vicinity of the Mount Sinai hospital, built up

In the United States, the Johns have been proven Hopkins University in Baltimore estimated that there are now more than 125,000 infections with the causative agent of Sars-CoV-2. 56 percent of all new infections would be found in New York, said the Director of the National Institute for infectious diseases, Anthony Fauci, on Sunday the TV channel CNN.

Fauci thinks it’s possible that between 100,000 and 200,000 people could die, and expects to have millions of Corona cases in the United States.


Further messages to the Coronavirus you will find on the next pages.


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You can also read on the topic of Coronavirus epidemic:

  • Infected in the district: The current Figures for all districts in Germany
  • 10 counties in which the Corona is at its raging worst and 10, which are hardly affected
  • Opening hours for dm, Aldi or Rewe can when you are shopping for
  • Corona-symptoms: Why you not only on cough and fever, should pay attention to
  • News Ticker to the stock market quake
  • Output restriction or prohibition of Contact – the rules that apply and for how long

Where is Coronavirus? The real-time map showing the spread of the disease

FOCUS Online/Wochit Where occurs Coronavirus on? The real-time map showing the spread of the disease