Coronavirus-crisis: vaccine development is making progress

The Coronavirus is spreading further and further out: In Germany, are already 1.796 people to the consequences of Covid-19 died, 102.888 are infected with the Virus. Worldwide already more than a Million Corona cases were registered. Meanwhile, the United States recorded the most cases in the world. All the information about the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

The development of a vaccine in the fight against lung disease Covid-19 making progress. According to the President of the research-based pharmaceutical companies (vfa), Han Steutel, are now developed to the 70 vaccines against the Sars-CoV-2-pathogens. “Two of them are already tested in the USA and in China with volunteers; in Germany, invented a vaccine to follow starting in April,“ said Steutel in an Interview with the magazine "Super Illu". Overall, it is researched according to the vfa, in Germany the four vaccines.

However, the vfa President, it would still take many months until a vaccine could be manufactured in large quantities. He reckon only in the year 2021.

In the treatment of the disease Covid 19 Steutel is more optimistic and is hoping for quick success by already approved drugs. Now already tested a few dozen, whether or not you can help the Corona-ill. Most were admitted for other diseases, such as HIV, the flu or rheumatism. Steutel: “in just a few weeks, we will know of several medications, if and when they help patients Covid-19 -. I am confident that several of the proposed drugs will work.“  

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