Vitamin D deficiency – the best foods to avoid deficiency symptoms

Vitamin D is crucial to the overall health of the body, as it helps to keep muscles, bones and teeth healthy, said the NHS. You could lower your risk of a vitamin deficiency by eating more oily fish.

The vitamin is needed to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.

A lack of vitamin D can lead to serious complications, including osteomalacia, rickets, or some deformities.

One of the easiest ways to avoid a deficiency is to add more vitamin D-rich foods to your diet.

Swordfish is one of the best foods to add to your diet, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

READ MORE: Vitamin D deficiency – what foods are high in vitamin D?

Just 85g of swordfish provides more than your recommended daily amount (RDA) of vitamin D.

A similar portion of salmon will give you your RDA of vitamin D, too.

One of the other great sources of vitamin D is tuna, it added.

You’ll need around 170g of drained tuna to meet your RDA, which is about 10mcg of vitamin D.

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“Vitamin D doesn’t occur naturally in many foods. That’s why certain foods have added vitamin D,” said the Cleveland Clinic.

“In fact, newer food nutrition labels show the amount of vitamin D contained in a particular food item.

“It may be difficult, especially for vegans or people who are lactose-intolerant, to get enough vitamin D from their diets, which is why some people may choose to take supplements.

“It is always important to eat a variety of healthy foods from all food groups.”


  • How to get enough vitamin D during lockdown

During the winter months, it’s crucial that you add more vitamin D to your diet.

The body naturally creates vitamin D from direct sunlight when you’re outdoors.

But between October and March, we don’t get enough vitamin D from sunlight, due to the changing axis of the Earth.

It’s also recommended that you take a 10mcg vitamin D supplement during these months.


  • Vitamin D and coronavirus: How the sunshine vitamin could help

There are five key warning signs of a vitamin D deficiency that everyone should be aware of.

Excessive fatigue or low energy is one of the easiest symptoms to look out for.

Irritability and anxiety could also be caused by the condition.

Meanwhile, you should also be watching out for hair loss, or new pains in your joints.

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