Summer vacation abroad? Maas is optimistic – elementary school Corona-the outbreak of the sealing

The Coronavirus pandemic concerns also in Germany medicine, politics, tourism and society: More than four million people already infected with the pathogen of Sars-CoV-2, 174.772 of them in Germany. All the news about the Corona pandemic from Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Coronavirus in Germany and in the world – the top stories: Two teachers in Berlin with Coronavirus infected – primary school closed (07.18 PM) summer holiday abroad? The Ministry of foreign Affairs is optimistic (06.50 hrs) Corona-the death of a pregnant Doctor in Algeria for outrage (06.17 PM) number of Newly-Infected approaching Drostens target brand (19.48 PM)

More News, services, and ideas to the Corona of a pandemic can be found on our overview of the portal

Top News: Two teachers in Berlin with Coronavirus-infected primary school closed

07.18 PM: In two schools in the Berlin district of Spandau is the Coronavirus is on the loose. The chip duration of the occupational health doctor and Director of the health office, Gudrun Aries, confirmed on Sunday the “rbb” on demand, that it hornweg and the birch grove in the affected elementary schools to the master of Wine.

The elementary school, the wine is usually closed hornweg because of the infected teacher temporarily, until the 26. May. The reason for the decision: The teacher was in contact with two classes of primary school, to hoard and to other teachers. Elementary school at the master of wine hornweg The elementary school at the master of wine hornweg in Berlin-Spandau.

It was otherwise with the primary school at birch grove. Here, the infected teacher had taught only a self-contained learning group, and according to the occupational health doctor to contact four other people. Therefore, the occupational health doctor, only the teacher decided that the four contact persons and the affected learning group under quarantine. The Rest of the elementary school on the birch grove will remain open.

For all who visit the school at birch grove, the chip duration of the health Department, however, the opportunity to be on the Coronavirus test. An unusual offer, which represents a change of strategy, such as the occupational health doctor confirmed. Because so far only has been usually tested, the also had symptoms of the disease.

Top News: summer vacation abroad? The Ministry of foreign Affairs is optimistic

06.50 PM: German foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) wants to today, Monday, with his colleagues from the popular vacation countries of the Germans advice on how the travel restrictions due to the Corona pandemic, and to be relaxed can. To the video conference, Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Malta, Slovenia, Cyprus and Bulgaria are invited.

The aim of the meeting is a co-ordinated approach to the Opening of the borders for tourists. In Germany is up to 14. June a global travel warning for tourists. Maas wants to cancel after that, gradually, to the extent that there is no setback during the pandemic-fighting – first for European countries. The basis of the deliberations of the EU Commission a few days ago, presented guidelines for tourism in the crisis. dpa/Andrea Warnecke/dpa-tmn summer vacation of 2020 in Greece?

The Federal government assumes that in large Parts of Europe vacation will be possible. "The chances are good that we holiday our summer not only in domestic, but also in other European countries können&quot spend;, said the tourism Commissioner of the Federal government, Thomas Bareiß, the "Stuttgart Zeitung" and the "Stuttgart Nachrichten" (Monday). You do not need to but make sure you start early. He was, however, "convinced that the worldwide travel warning to 14. June story wird".

Top News: Corona-the death of a pregnant Doctor in Algeria for outrage

06.17 PM: The death of an eight months pregnant Doctor has been in Algeria for outrage ensured. The 28-year-old Wafa Boudissa died on Friday after an infection with the novel Coronavirus. Your desire to be of service because of the pandemic, earlier in the maternity leave, had been rejected by the chief of hospital in the East of the North African country.

On Sunday, the hospital’s Director of health Minister Abderrahman was fired Benbouzid, according to the news Agency AFP from a learned the case close to the source.

Colleagues had supported the desire of the 28-Year-old and the appropriate Petition is filed. Benbouzid had opened on Saturday an investigation into the case, and the inspector General of the Ministry of health entrusted with the management. As the source said, could be any, can be directly for the death of the Doctor be held responsible for negligent homicide before the court.

The state television showed the visit Benbouzids in the hospital. Then he condolences to the family of the victim in their home. He said that he could not understand why a pregnant woman would forced to work.

In Algeria, more than 540 people have died according to official figures until Sunday at the of the Coronavirus-induced respiratory disease Covid-19, more than 6,800 infections with the pathogen were registered in the North African country.

Machine crashes at air show in honour of the Corona-campaign in Canada – a dead

06.14 PM: In Canada, at an air show in honor of the efforts in the fight against the Corona pandemic a machine crashed. A member of the canadian armed forces was killed on Sunday and another was injured, as the army announced. The machine of the aerobatics squadron “Snowbirds” of the air force crashed near the city of Kamloops in the Western province of British Columbia. AP Captain Erik Temple and Joel Wilson to investigate the crash site of the accident in the canadian Kamloops.

The plane crashed against the facade of a house that went up in flames, as the local weekly newspaper “Kamloops This Week” has published pictures showed. The machine crashed shortly after its launch. She had lifted together with the other “Snowbirds”-airplane from the Airport of Kamloops. Video recordings of a witness revealed how one of the pilots, the ejection seat could save her.

The two “Snowbirds”-machines should be on Sunday as part of a Show with the name "Operation Inspiration" in low altitude about British Columbia fly. With the efforts of the canadian population will be honored for the containment of Coronavirus. The action of the from a total of nine aircraft, existing “Snowbirds” had begun in the province of Nova Scotia on the East coast.

New York’s Governor makes Coronavirus Test in front of the cameras

04.03 PM: The New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday (local time) in front of a camera, a Coronavirus Test subject. During his daily press conference on the situation of the pandemic, a Doctor took a swab sample from the nose of a 62-Year-old. It was quickly gone and didn’t even hurt, said Cuomo. The Democrat called on the people in New York, if need be, test it. You have expanded capacity significantly. At around 700 stations daily 40 000 Tests could be carried out.

Number of new Corona-dead in several EU countries at the lowest level since months

03.26 PM: In several European countries the number of new deaths caused by the Corona pandemic on Sunday, the lowest level since months decreased. Have been recorded in Italy, according to the civil protection of the 145 Deceased within 24 hours. This was the lowest daily death toll since the 9. March.

Spain registered a further 87 Corona-Dead. It was there for the first Time in two months that the number of daily deaths was below 100. in the UK, a further 170 deaths were reported. This was the lowest number since the end of March.

TOP NEWS: 92 Corona-cases: meat processing plants in lower Saxony consists of the production

Editors ‘ note: an earlier Version of this entry, it was said that the operation was in NRW. It is, however, a farm in lower Saxony. We apologize for the.

Monday, 18. May, 01.53 PM: Due to the number of Coronavirus infections in the workforce, a meat processing company in lower Saxony, the production of. Tests had shown that 92 employees of the holding are infected in Dissen, such as the district of Osnabrück, announced on Sunday. The affected employees and their contact persons would be sent to the quarantine, it said. With the Land of lower Saxony will now discuss how to proceed – the question in the centre, &quot am;whether the company is a systemically important sector of the food industry darstellt".

62 of the positively Tested live according to the figures, in the district of Osnabrück, in part in Collective centres. "Among them, there are numerous forces that are employed by subcontractors are." The identification of the contact persons was not completed according to the figures available yet.

India extended Corona curfew again

23.42 PM: India will extend the due Corona-pandemic-imposed curfew for a second Time. The existing measures would now be up to at least 31. May apply, according to the interior Ministry in New Delhi on Sunday. The curfew for all 1.3 billion citizens of the country had been imposed at the end of March.

The associated setting of the railway has made millions of migrant workers return to their home in front of big problems. Many people are killed in traffic accidents, or on long marches, of Hunger and exhaustion and died.

Trump adviser: health authority has the Land been left in the lurch

21.23 PM: The trade adviser of the US President, Donald Trump, Peter Navarro, has in the Corona-crisis serious allegations against the health authority CDC collected. At the beginning of the pandemic, the authority "the country with the Tests for real in the lurch gelassen", Navarro said on Sunday the broadcaster NBC. "This has thrown us back." Reuters/Evan Vucci/AP the US President, Donald Trump and economic consultant Peter Navarro (r) in the White house in Washington.

The CDC had developed its own Test, instead of existing Tests from other countries. The CDC Test turned out as error-prone. Trump was advised due to a lack of test opportunities in the crisis in criticism.

Numbers on Sunday: 174.772 Coronavirus-Infected in Germany, 7934 deaths

19.48 hrs: The number of Corona-Infected in Germany on Sunday to 174.772 increased. The are 471 more than on Saturday. Thus, the number is approaching – at least on the weekend – the last of the Top virologist Christian Drosten target the desired brand to 300 new infections per day. The number of reported deaths increased to 7934. The day before, there were 7912 dead 22 less.

The number of Healed people in Germany, according to the Robert Koch Institute, currently around 153.400 people. The reproduction number, the report of the RKI on a daily, increased to 0.94. On Saturday, they had amounted to 0,88.

Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 33.962 (1653 Deaths)
  • Bavaria: 45.777 (2297 Deaths)
  • Berlin: 6454 (180 Deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 3204 (166 Deaths)
  • Bremen: 1174 (37 Deaths)
  • Hamburg: 5029 (209 Deaths)
  • Hesse: 9317 (435 Deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 751 (20 Deaths)
  • Lower Saxony: 11.159 (548 Deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 36.268 (1504 Deaths)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: 6486 (217 Deaths)
  • Saarland: 2667 (155 Deaths)
  • Saxony: 5122 (195 Deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 1678 (54 Deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 3000 (126 Deaths)
  • Thuringia: 2724 (138 Deaths)

Total: Stand 17.05., 19.44 PM, 174.772 (7934 Deaths)

The Day Before: The State 16.05., 19.43 PM, 174.301 (7912 Deaths)

Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.

The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch-Institute in Germany for approximately 153.400

Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: 0,94 (Stand 17.05.)

TOP NEWS: report: at Least 70 people in a refugee home in NRW a positive effect on Coronavirus tested

18.14 PM: In a refugee’s home in North Rhine-Westphalia are a newspaper report that more than a hundred people a positive effect on the Coronavirus have been tested. After a first positive Test on Thursday, the Central accommodation facility had been provided in Sankt Augustin-Niederpleis under quarantine, reported "Cologne City Of-Anzeiger" (Monday edition) in advance. Tests for all of the nearly 500 residents had been arranged.

According to the dpa have been tested in the accommodation of 300 people. But so far only 70 people have been tested positive for the Coronavirus. Further test results are, therefore, still. The infected persons were transferred to the insulating area.

The majority of positively tested people show no or weak symptoms, informed the district government. 60 tested negative persons were accommodated in other facilities.

"We have repeatedly made the claim, these homes durchzutesten", the green member of the Landtag Horst Becker from Lohmar told the blade. "It shows now that it happened much too late." Reuters/David Young/dpa For refugee accommodations is the Coronavirus crisis is a special challenge. (Icon image).

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