Coronavirus warning: Do your elbows look like this? The ‘prickly heat’ rash to avoid

Coronavirus is an infectious disease that has been confirmed in more than 20 million people across the world. You could be at risk of the deadly infection if you find a particular rash on the backs of your elbows, it’s been revealed.

The UK-wide lockdown is slowly being eased, as shoppers are now allowed to explore the high-street in England, provided they remain socially-distanced.

You can also visit someone else’s garden, as long as there aren’t more than six people in the garden at once, and you can now go inside other people’s houses.

But the government has still advised the public to remain indoors as much as possible, in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus.

One of the more unusual warning signs of coronavirus is having a “prickly heat” rash on your elbows.

The rash usually appears as a patch of itchy red spots, according to the COVID Symptom Study app.

The spots may be slightly raised, and is most likely to last up to a few weeks.

Anywhere on the body could be affected by the rash, but it’s most likely to develop on elbows and knees.

Some patients have also reported the chickenpox-type rash on their hands or feet.

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“Data from the COVID Symptom Study shows that characteristic skin rashes and ‘COVID fingers and toes’ should be considered as key diagnostic signs of the disease, and can occur in the absence of any other symptoms,” it said.

“Researchers discovered that 8.8 percent of people reporting a positive coronavirus swab test had experienced a skin rash as part of their symptoms.

“Prickly heat or chickenpox-type rash [erythemato-papular or erythemato-vesicular rash] [may be associated with COVID-19].

“Areas of small, itchy red bumps that can occur anywhere on the body, but particularly the elbows and knees as well as the back of the hands and feet. The rash can persist for days or weeks.”

There are a number of viral infections that affect the skin, so it’s not a great surprise that coronavirus has a similar impact, added King’s College London’s Dr Veronique Bataille.

But, in some cases, a rash may be the only warning sign of coronavirus that presents itself.

It’s crucial that if you have a new rash, you take it seriously, she urged.

You should self-isolate and get a test as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, anybody that feels hot to the touch on their chest or back could be showing early coronavirus symptoms.

Similarly, anyone that’s been coughing more than usual for longer than a one-hour period, or if they’ve had at least three coughing episodes every 24 hours, should self-isolate.

Some patients have also reported a sore throat, headaches, and even hiccups.

More than 46,000 people have died from coronavirus in the UK.

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