COVID-19 Symptom Tracker is intended to support research
The Coronavirus since a few months, the world in breath. A lot has been found about the Virus out – much of which is widely unclear. A new App will now help in the study of the spread of the Virus. The researchers rely on the helpfulness of the population.
A at the University hospital of Freiburg developed App aims to improve the understanding of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The new App with the name “COVID-19 Symptom Tracker” should lead to a better diagnosis. All who want to help can have a part in it. On the basis of the so-obtained anonymised data of course, the frequency and the timing of certain complaints, as well as information on risk factors should be evaluated in conjunction with COVID-19.
Anonymous data help in the research
In the App, first of all, anonymous health-relevant data are collected and known pre-existing medical conditions of the Users. By using daily questionnaires will then be documented in the health condition of the Participants and submitted anonymously. On the basis of the data of the Freiburg research team can evaluate the course, the frequency and the timing of certain complaints, as well as information on risk factors. A visit to the doctor is not a substitute for the App, of course.
App is designed to help reduce the spread
“The App allows for a new Dimension in data acquisition”, explains Professor Dr. Frederik Wenz, the Executive medical Director of the University hospital Freiburg. The App could provide important clues on the course of COVID-19, and may even help diseases early detection on time and to thus reduce the spread.
We still know too little
“Our starting point is that we know about the symptom trajectories in COVID-19, relatively little,” adds study leader Dr. Dr. Martin Zens. Because in addition to the frequently described symptoms such as cough, fever and infection also occur diarrhea, shortness of breath, headache and other complaints such as taste and smell loss as a symptoms of a SARS – CoV-2 -. “This is especially for family doctors or Physicians in emergency rooms,” said Zens. In the case of positive smear the Affected will be sent in the in-home quarantine, often with the unsafe feeling, because it is unclear how the disease develops.
The App is designed to assist in the determination of the dark figure
“An important aspect is the high number of unreported cases of Corona-infected people who are not recognized or tested”, adds the Deputy Director of studies Dr. Dr. Fabian Dutt höfer. The App could provide important data to understand the disease and its spread better.
The COVID-19 Symptom Tracker App
The App has now been released for iOS – an Android Version will follow in a few days. German, English, Spanish and French are supported as languages. The development was funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg. All data will be anonymized and encrypted and stored on a Server in Germany.
Daily time expenses of around three minutes
Anyone interested over 18 years of age can participate. Preferably, the App should be downloaded if unclear disease symptoms or contact with an infected Person is suspected. After the base questionnaire was completed, sent to the App daily for the current symptoms. The time required for this would be at about three minutes per day. “Time well spent”, says Dr. Dr. Zens. He hopes for the support of the population, because “the findings are all the more participate, a valid, the more people.” (vb)