As we reinvent ourselves anew? In a conversation with Dorothee Bär, Düzen Tekkal and Frank Thelen

Dorothee Bär sitting in your daughter’s bedroom at the white wall. In her Hand she’s holding the Smartphone. The digital Minister is to participate during their evenings in discussion groups. Usually hounding you almost daily from one appointment to the next. Since the Corona-crisis is the end of it, however. Interview rounds are held for the time being digital. So also this evening.

In a Live Stream on YouTube, the state Minister for digitization, the journalist on each other Düzen Tekkal and entrepreneurs Frank Thelen. Together, they discuss how we can invent in the crisis, what happens with politics and the economy, and why we these days can learn from. A call to courage.

Here you can read everything Important to the Coronavirus in the Ticker.

FOCUS: What would you have done tonight, if we don’t have a Corona-crisis?

Düzen Tekkal: I would be today for a reading of my new book “German Dream” in the house of literature in Munich have been. Not folded, according to the circumstances.

Apart from professional appointments that can not be digitally reconstruct What is missing at the moment?

Dorothee Bär: The physical distance to keep is hard for me. I find it totally strange when people make a bow to me, if you look at the Hand, or at least to Chat to a halt.

It is a to each other is missing so?

Düzen Tekkal: I’m going to miss my parents. We are a large family, eleven children. In the first few days we talked it us still nice and hoping that we meet again soon. Now the psychological fracture that goes through our entire society is more and more noticeable.

Maybe moments that you otherwise, as, of course, to be understood?

Düzen Tekkal: Exactly I mean. The truisms of our freedom to be at once fundamentally out of the question. You don’t want to even imagine what it is like for people in other countries. In the Camps in Iraq, Social Distancing is not possible, because there is no retreat.

Frank Thelen: it begins here at. Many live in very small apartments. Some of them with children. If the Playground is in the front locked, not remain many opportunities for utilization. As other problems come up.

For Example?

Frank Thelen: About domestic violence. Therefore, the policy faces the challenge of, on the one hand, people save lives, and on the other, the question is, how long can the masses of this Lock-Down hold is.

Dorothee Baer: Because I can Frank just right. We notice that it is deteriorating areas, especially in cities and Metropolitan areas. In rural areas, the Situation is a little more relaxed. The main problem is that we cannot estimate the end time point of the crisis.

How do you want to make the people of courage?

Frank Thelen: The idea of “Stay at home” is wrong. We should go out, to move. This may be the forest, the Park in front of the door. With the predetermined distance, it is allowed, and fresh air is more important than you think.

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The freedom restriction also ensures that many know as you can invent. What advice do you have about freelancers?

Doro bear: decisive is in contact with the other to stay. Virtual Meetings. We should not strictly separate groups. We talk usually every day with so many unfamiliar people and be inspired. Why not the digital one also?

Frank Thelen: You must now ask how it is his Job to reinvent how to reduce costs. The crisis is here. Now it’s in a good mood, stay, play sports and work hard.

You mean that the all fall so easily?

Frank Thelen: Everyone must now ask: What motivates me? Why I wanted to be a actually time Designer, photographer, or founder.

And as the who are not “Digital Natives” to do it?

Dorothee Bär: the can you for the topic in this time is finally aware of the issue. My father takes, for example, poems and send them to his grandchildren as a daily “Podcast episodes”.

But that is not the rule.

Doro bear: it Is certainly not, no. This must encourage us in turn to make, especially seniors and seniors with the digital world and know your options. For many this is the only way to stay in contact with each other, we should take advantage of.

Frank Thelen: by such examples, we see that the digitization is not only for the work may be important, but also for the social contact.

Mrs bear, you just said that right now the time has come for the people is to raise awareness of the digitisation process. Where can you find for answers to your questions?

Dorothee Bär: The most important thing is that the people, as soon as questions arise, exclusively on the official sites to access. We need to ensure that when people seek help on the net, you will get the right one.

Düzen Tekkal: Since I’m going with. Fake News have to be prevented. And we need to be clear: The debates on Twitter are elitist. We need to reach the masses at home.

How do you feel, because personally, currently, woman Tekkal?

Düzen Tekkal: I have in one day six different States of mind. Everything feels extremely. We need to ask ourselves who we are as a people, without our Job, our friends, or luxuries, which stun us. And then we have to make, in spite of Corona each Morning and make a decision. We have to decide actively against the paralysis appearance. One could describe the Situation as a collective Mid-Life Crisis.

Dorothee Bär: The people now have two options: you can your fate and realize how terrible the Situation is. You can take advantage of the crisis and the time we get with her, to some extent, given but also. Things to do, for the no time. (Starting At Minute 31:10)

The crisis is, as Frank Thelen says, there. What the company makes from all this? For example, our students?

Dorothee Baer: In many is now the node burst. Why? Because they have to. The Federal government has provided in the last week from the digital Pact 100 million euros for the construction of Online platforms and digital educational content as a short-term and unbureaucratic help. It is important that we invest in infrastructure and devices. I very much hope that we get a “digital boost”, and after the crisis, not in the Status Quo to fall back.

Frank Thelen: I can see That also. For example, in the case of the telecommunications company. Once Budgets are free, quick and new lines to build. This is for the digitization of a huge boost. Hopefully we don’t fall back.

It’s enough to hope for?

Dorothee Baer: so Far had the excuse that it is also analog works. There was no need for a Disruption. This started with parents not wanted their children to work with the Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone. Now you can see how much more time on these devices will be used.

We can catch up to other countries?

Frank Thelen: now We see how strong the Americans and the Chinese are ahead. Zoom as a videoconference Tool is now also Standard here. Microsoft is thriving. To avoid a dependency, you have to give the German Software provider or digital company Gas. This Momentum, what we have currently, should not be lost.

This is your conclusion in the crisis?

Frank Thelen: Yes! Germany can be quick and good. “Good is the biggest enemy of great” – to Us, it was always good, which is why we have barely moved yet. This was the case for the policy, the economy and education alike. Even in the Grand coalition, the cooperation has to work suddenly again, because she had to. The crisis has shown us that We can!

Dorothee Bär: I also. We are spending part, though it work us more agile, the digitalization for as long as possible to. Such a politician does not have to travel for each greeting word or any meeting anywhere. The journey usually takes longer than the appointment itself. We realize now that it also works with a video message, or a digital conference. The we should take.

Düzen Tekkal: Through the crisis and I feel very much gratitude and humility. I think that we can remember all back again, what are the really essential things of life. There was no time, in the populism was so unimportant, like right now.

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FOCUS Online , Germany before the collapse: How long can we keep it?