Pillsbury has owned the premade cookie dough game for years now, and the brand has all the predictable cookie types covered. You can easily make chocolate chip or sugar cookies with the premade dough and call it a day. Or if you want to get fancy, you can try Pillsbury’s Confetti or Reeses Mini Pieces Peanut Butter Cookies.
Now, Pillsbury has completely blown away everything it has done in the past, because the company has dropped Lucky Charms cookie dough. LUCKY CHARMS COOKIE DOUGH, PEOPLE!
The intel comes courtesy of Instagram account @TheJunkFoodAisle. “Limited Edition Pillsbury Lucky Charms Cookie Dough! Thanks to @Brian.Ava for the photo,” it captioned a photo of the dough, noting that it was spotted at Walmart.
Here’s what you need to know: These are sugar cookies with Lucky Charms marshmallows inside (no needless non-marshmallow cereal pieces here), and one package will give you 12 “big” cookies. You’re unfortunately not supposed to eat the cookie dough raw, so you’ve got to wait a few agonizing minutes while they cook before you can dive in.
People (naturally) freaked out in the comments. “What!” one person wrote. “Omgggg,” another said. Some offered up their own suggestions on how to make the cookies even more next-level. “You can always cram in more marshmallows from the actual cereal,” one culinary genius wrote.
Pillsbury doesn’t have the cookies listed on its official lineup and they’re limited edition, which indicates they won’t be around for long. So if you happen to spot these in the wild, you might want to grab as many as humanly possible to hoard them for the future. Just a thought.
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